Northwestern University

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 08.02.23

* Six of Donald Trump's co-conspirators go unnamed in the federal indictment against him for crimes related to the January 6th coup attempt. Five of them are attorneys. Let's speculate on who they all are. [Washington Post] * Former Attorney General/current Paul, Weiss attorney Loretta Lynch to investigate allegations of hazing on the Northwestern football team. [Law360] * A look at the judge assigned to the Donald Trump January 6th case. [Huffington Post] * The family of Henrietta Lacks settles lawsuit over her stolen cells. [Law & Crime] * If you can even believe it, America's gun laws could get even more lax. [Vox]


Non-Sequiturs: 08.17.15

* A look back at the impact Justice Scalia's signature snarky style has had on the high court. [Jost on Justice] * Decry "big government" all you want, but this is a great use of its power: one Wal-Mart declared a public nuisance. [Law and More] * A horse! A horse! My law license for a horse! One attorney faces sanctions for his love of racing horses. [Legal Profession Blog] * The NLRB might have dashed Northwestern's football players' unionization hopes, but they still won a lot of concessions. [Fox Sports] * More than 50 days after the landmark Obergefell case, there are still pockets of the country where same-sex couples can't get married. [BuzzFeed] * What can the RNC offer Donald Trump to GTFO of the Republican primary? [Funny or Die]


Size Matters: Seriously, Size Matters

We are almost three months into my one-woman quest to convince the world (or at least ATL readers) that bigger is not always better. Isn’t that why Jamie Oliver is moonlighting as a lunch lady? Unfortunately, some people still are not convinced. So I called in an expert, Steven Harper (previously featured here). Harper, a […]